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Half Marathon Prep Part One

It’s now three weeks out from the Charlotte Half Marathon which takes place on November 4th. My goal for my first ever half is to come in under 2 hours. Which means I’ll be running right around a 9:05 minute per mile pace.

The thought of this use to be scary to me, but now I know I can do this. I was worried that I wouldn’t even be able to run that far when I first started, but now I know that I’ll not only finish, I’ve made my goal more ambitious by setting the 2-hour goal. As long as you keep getting out there and working towards your goal you will get there with consistency.

When I first started running not long ago I could barely get through one mile and in this short amount of time I’ve improved a massive amount. We’re all capable of more than we think we are, and to learn where our potential is we have to test ourselves.

Thats what I want to do.

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